The Morning Cruise Replay - If The Shoe Fits

Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Bill is having trouble getting on the walking/running train. It could be the shoes as he is in need of some shoes. Dave spent some time last week going for walks around the building which is usually something Bill and Carmen look to do during FriendRaiser. Dave did share the story of Jim Thorpe and how he used a mismatched pair of shoes to win a gold medal. 

The shoe dropped for a few contestants on American Idol last night, but some of our favorites are still in the competition. 

King Charles has some big shoes to fill as his coronation will be held this Saturday, but for those of us on the East coast of the U.S. that would be a very early morning. 

All the coronation talk had Bill thinking about the King of Kings. 

Carmen had a little trouble putting one foot in front of the other as she was missing that morning cup of coffee that fuels her day. She couldn't partake as she had an appointment for some bloodwork scheduled. But, maybe next time, she'll find a lab that can come to her. 

The passing of Gordon Lightfoot had Bill thinking about songs of lament as he used his song, The Wreck of Edmund Fitzgerald, to tell his kids what a song of lament was. And you all had some thoughts on some other songs of lament as well. 

Carmen needs to step lightly in her yard if she wants to see any plants thrive there. Bill, on the other hand, needs to step lightly in his own home as he is dealing with a millipede invasion. 

Dave discussed how some Facebook users could benefit from a recent legal settlement. 

And Carmen has been getting ads for self-watering plants. 


00:32 On the walking/running train 

03:29 Walking and running shoes 

06:53 Jim Thorpe story 

10:32 American Idol Top 7 

14:41 Coronation of Charles III 

19:24 Jesus, King of Kings 

22:12 Carmen with no coffee 

25:59 labs that come to you

28:14 Gordon Lightfoot and songs of lament 

32:16 Other lament songs

36:11 Carmen growing tomatoes? 

40:25 Millipedes 

43:30 Facebook settlement 

46:28 Self-watering plants 

49:45 Bill's BIG Word 

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